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Visitor Information

Visitor Information

Visitors are welcomed in our schools. In order to maintain a safe learning environment, all visitors must follow the procedures:

  • All exterior doors are locked. There is an intercom on the outside of the building and will be asking how we can help you before we buzz you in. Visitors need to be buzzed in at the front door, check into office, and obtain a visitor’s badge. We will continue to ask for identification for those parents whom we don't immediately recognize.
  • Please do not hold the door open for other adults. We have amazingly kind and gracious families, but this can be cause for concern as one doesn't know whom they are admitting into the building. We would prefer to buzz all people into the building.
  • Commercial vendor visitors may need to show identification before working inside the school.  Please provide that upon request.
  • All visitors must wear the visitor’s sticker while they are on school grounds during operating hours.
  • Visitors must sign out at the office before leaving school grounds.
  • Parking is available on a first come, first served basis. Please follow signage related to parking on school grounds
  • If there is an emergency situation while visiting the school, please follow the directions provided by our school staff.

With recent events around the country, it always causes us to pause and to reflect on ways we can continue to improve practice.